
Capital Lodge #23

Austin, Texas

Frequently Asked Questions

Independent Order of Odd Fellows

Keeping Austin odd since 1852

Many frequently asked questions can be answered by examining the Creed recited at the close every Lodge meeting.

Q: What do you believe in?  

A:  "The Fatherhood of God, and the Brotherhood of man... Friendship, Love and Truth as basic guides to the ultimate destiny of mankind."

Q: Is it a cult?  

A:  No, although each Odd Fellow must profess to believe in a Higher Power of his choosing.   Each brother believes "my home, my church or temple, my lodge, and my community deserve my best work, my modest pride, my earnest faith, and my deepest loyalty."

Q: What is your mission?

A:  "To visit the sick, relieve the distressed, bury the dead and educate the orphan."

Q: What else?

A: "To work with others to build a better world."

Q: Are you sure it's not a cult?

A:  No. "Because, in spirit and in truth, I am and must always be, grateful to my Creator, faithful to my country and fraternal to my fellow-man."

Q: What is required to join?  

A:  A willingness to show up at the Lodge on Tuesday evenings at seven o'clock, and to share a meaningful relationship with like-minded breathren.